Nell’ultimo fine settimana si sono svolti appuntamenti molto significativi per la scena competitiva di MtG: i MagicFest (vedi “Gran Prix”) di Lione (944 giocatori) e di Nagoya (1754 giocatori).
La manifestazione di Lione inoltre ci ha fornito ulteriore modo di analizzare il meta grazie ai PTQ svolti nelle giornate di venerdì e sabato.
Probabilmente molti non ne rimarranno sorpresi ma tutte le fasi finali delle competizioni sono state dominate dalle varianti degli archetipi “Food”.
Tre su quattro vincitori hanno utilizzato questo archetipo (Sultai, Bant e Simic) e su 32 posizioni ben 19 deck list “Food” su 32 si sono guadagnate la fase finale dei diversi tornei, per una presenza totale del 59,3%.
Al MagicFest di Nagoya si è quasi sfiorata l’unanimità: 7 deck su 8 erano fieri utilizzatori del planeswalker più discusso del momento (Oko, Thief of Crowns).
Ma non è tutt’Oko quel che luccica.
Anche se secondo l’opinione di molti (tra l’altro condivisa) nessun deck riesce a raggiungere il power level delle varianti Simic, non vanno comunque ignorate quelle che possono essere considerate come alternative abbastanza valide.
Sia Temur Reclamation che Rakdos Sacrifice si sono difesi bene nelle competizioni (quest’ultimo vincendo anche un PTQ a Lione).
C’è da ricordare però che il win rate di Temur Reclamation potrebbe essere in qualche modo favorito dalla scarsa presenza sul field di mazzi molto aggressivi, contro cui storicamente soffre molto, e di deck con set di Narset, Parter of Veils e Teferi, Time Raveler
, che avevano decretato il suo abbandono con l’uscita di WAR.
Discorso simile si può ripetere anche nel caso di Azorius Control e Izzet Flash, anche loro presenti nelle fasi finali.
Le varianti Adventure (Selesnya e Golgari) sembrano non riuscire, anche loro, a tenere il passo con i midrange Food ma sono senz’altro deck con del potenziale e senza matchup eccessivamente sfavorevoli.
Infine si registra una nuova presenza nell’Olimpo, o meglio una versione rivisitata del Sacrifice che conosciamo già anche grazie alla guida pubblicata ieri: 4 Color Sacrifice Korvold.
Di seguito qualche dettaglio in più sul Win Rate dei maggiori archetipi fornito da ChannelFireball (che si è occupato della coverage dell’evento) e le liste dei diversi tornei già pronte per essere esportate su Mtg Arena.

Top 8 – Friday Standard PTQ – MagicFest Lyon
1° – Sultai Food di Manuel Jacob
<Deck>2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
1 Island (ELD) 254
2 Swamp (ELD) 258
6 Forest (ELD) 266
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
2 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
1 Assassin's Trophy (GRN) 152
1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97
3 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Negate (M20) 69
2 Duress (M20) 97
3 Thrashing Brontodon (M20) 197
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2° – Sultai Food di Loic Le Guennec
<Deck>2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
2 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
1 Island (ELD) 254
1 Swamp (ELD) 258
6 Forest (ELD) 266
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Negate (M20) 69
2 Duress (M20) 97
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Thrashing Brontodon (M20) 197
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
3° – Izzet Flash di Francesco Hugony
<Deck>4 Ionize (GRN) 179
4 Steam Vents (GRN) 257
3 Quench (RNA) 48
2 Ral's Outburst (WAR) 212
4 Brineborn Cutthroat (M20) 50
4 Shock (M20) 160
4 Temple of Epiphany (M20) 253
7 Island (ELD) 254
5 Mountain (ELD) 262
4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
3 Gadwick, the Wizened (ELD) 48
3 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
4 Opt (ELD) 59
4 Bonecrusher Giant (ELD) 115
1 Scorching Dragonfire (ELD) 139
2 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
2 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
3 Lava Coil (GRN) 108
1 Beacon Bolt (GRN) 154
2 Crackling Drake (GRN) 163
4 Aether Gust (M20) 42
1 Negate (M20) 69
2 Flame Sweep (M20) 139
2 Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD) 233
4° – Sultai Food di Jonas Parizot
<Deck>4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
2 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
2 Island (RNA) 261
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
6 Forest (XLN) 276
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
2 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Duress (M20) 97
1 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
1 Aether Gust (M20) 42
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
1 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
1 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
5° – Sultai Food di Gints Dreimanis
<Deck>6 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
1 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
2 Negate (M20) 69
2 Duress (M20) 97
1 Legion's End (M20) 106
6° – Temur Reclamation di Clement Gras
<Deck>4 Temple of Mystery (M20) 255
2 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Steam Vents (GRN) 257
4 Stomping Ground (RNA) 259
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
2 Mountain (WAR) 259
2 Island (RNA) 261
1 Forest (XLN) 276
3 Bonecrusher Giant (ELD) 115
3 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
1 Quench (RNA) 48
3 Chemister's Insight (GRN) 32
2 Aether Gust (M20) 42
3 Flame Sweep (M20) 139
4 Expansion // Explosion (GRN) 224
1 Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR) 61
4 Wilderness Reclamation (RNA) 149
4 Growth Spiral (RNA) 178
2 Escape to the Wilds (ELD) 189
1 Negate (M20) 69
3 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
2 Biogenic Ooze (RNA) 122
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD) 233
1 Aether Gust (M20) 42
3 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Flame Sweep (M20) 139
1 Negate (M20) 69
2 Shifting Ceratops (M20) 194
7° – Golgari Adventures di Natalia Berger
<Deck>4 Temple of Malady (M20) 254 4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253 1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241 2 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244 4 Edgewall Innkeeper (ELD) 151 4 Foulmire Knight (ELD) 90 4 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165 4 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97 3 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171 2 Rankle, Master of Pranks (ELD) 101 2 Blightbeetle (M20) 87 1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99 3 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213 1 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger (M20) 199 1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97 1 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2 2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110 2 Legion's End (M20) 106 2 Find // Finality (GRN) 225 Sideboard 1 Legion's End (M20) 106 3 Questing Beast (ELD) 171 4 Duress (M20) 97 1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99 2 Veil of Summer (M20) 198 1 Disfigure (M20) 95 1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97 2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
8° – Rakdos Aristrocrats di Michaël Picovachi
<Deck>3 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
4 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245
4 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
6 Swamp (ELD) 260
7 Mountain (WAR) 259
2 Cavalier of Night (M20) 94
3 Gutterbones (RNA) 76
4 Cauldron Familiar (ELD) 81
4 Mayhem Devil (WAR) 204
4 Midnight Reaper (GRN) 77
4 Priest of Forgotten Gods (RNA) 83
2 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame (M20) 126
3 Angrath's Rampage (WAR) 185
4 Claim the Firstborn (ELD) 118
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Witch's Oven (ELD) 237
1 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame (M20) 126
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
2 Embereth Shieldbreaker (ELD) 122
2 Mask of Immolation (M20) 151
4 Dreadhorde Butcher (WAR) 194
4 Duress (M20) 97
Top 8 – Saturday Standard PTQ – MagicFest Lyon
1° – Rakdos Sacrifice di Giona Cai
<Deck>7 Mountain (WAR) 259
6 Swamp (ELD) 260
3 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
4 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245
4 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Cauldron Familiar (ELD) 81
3 Gutterbones (RNA) 76
4 Priest of Forgotten Gods (RNA) 83
4 Mayhem Devil (WAR) 204
4 Midnight Reaper (GRN) 77
2 Rankle, Master of Pranks (ELD) 101
4 Witch's Oven (ELD) 237
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Claim the Firstborn (ELD) 118
2 Chandra, Acolyte of Flame (M20) 126
3 Angrath's Rampage (WAR) 185
4 Duress (M20) 97
4 Dreadhorde Butcher (WAR) 194
2 Theater of Horrors (RNA) 213
1 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
2° – Gruul Aggro di Michael Ullmann
<Deck>10 Forest (XLN) 276
9 Mountain (WAR) 259
4 Stomping Ground (RNA) 259
4 Pelt Collector (GRN) 141
3 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Kraul Harpooner (GRN) 136
4 Zhur-Taa Goblin (RNA) 215
4 Gruul Spellbreaker (RNA) 179
4 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
3 Skarrgan Hellkite (RNA) 114
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Collision // Colossus (RNA) 223
3 Embercleave (ELD) 120
3 Cindervines (RNA) 161
3 Domri's Ambush (WAR) 192
3 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Redcap Melee (ELD) 135
1 Shifting Ceratops (M20) 194
1 Skarrgan Hellkite (RNA) 114
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
3° – Sultai Food di Thomas Mechin
<Deck>4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
1 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
2 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
1 Swamp (ELD) 260
7 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Duress (M20) 97
2 Negate (M20) 69
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
2 Assassin's Trophy (GRN) 152
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
4° – Sultai Food di Martin Krawies
<Deck>4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
3 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
2 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
1 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
2 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
2 Trail of Crumbs (ELD) 179
3 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
3 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
6 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Aether Gust (M20) 42
2 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
2 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Duress (M20) 97
2 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
1 Ob Nixilis's Cruelty (WAR) 101
5° – Sultai Food di Federico Redolli
<Deck>4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
2 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
6 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
3 Swamp (ELD) 260
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
3 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
3 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
3 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
1 Spark Double (WAR) 68
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
2 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
3 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
3 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
1 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
1 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
3 Negate (M20) 69
2 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
2 Duress (M20) 97
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
6° – Selesnya Adventures di Amit Etgar
<Deck>4 Faerie Guidemother (ELD) 11
4 Giant Killer (ELD) 14
4 Edgewall Innkeeper (ELD) 151
2 Flaxen Intruder (ELD) 155
4 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
3 Shepherd of the Flock (ELD) 28
2 Raise the Alarm (M20) 34
4 Venerated Loxodon (GRN) 30
2 March of the Multitudes (GRN) 188
1 Unbreakable Formation (RNA) 29
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
3 Flower // Flourish (GRN) 226
2 Conclave Tribunal (GRN) 6
2 Castle Ardenvale (ELD) 238
7 Plains (XLN) 261
8 Forest (XLN) 276
4 Temple Garden (GRN) 258
2 Devout Decree (M20) 13
2 Glass Casket (ELD) 15
2 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
3 Gideon Blackblade (WAR) 13
1 March of the Multitudes (GRN) 188
1 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Knight of Autumn (GRN) 183
1 Trostani Discordant (GRN) 208
1 God-Eternal Oketra (WAR) 16
1 Unbreakable Formation (RNA) 29
7° – Temur Reclamation di Stefano Vicini
<Deck>4 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
4 Aether Gust (M20) 42
3 Flame Sweep (M20) 139
3 Chemister's Insight (GRN) 32
4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
4 Growth Spiral (RNA) 178
4 Wilderness Reclamation (RNA) 149
4 Expansion // Explosion (GRN) 224
3 Escape to the Wilds (ELD) 189
4 Temple of Mystery (M20) 255
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
2 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
4 Steam Vents (GRN) 257
4 Stomping Ground (RNA) 259
2 Mountain (WAR) 259
2 Forest (XLN) 276
2 Island (RNA) 261
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
3 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Flame Sweep (M20) 139
4 Bonecrusher Giant (ELD) 115
2 Shifting Ceratops (M20) 194
2 Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD) 233
2 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Narset's Reversal (WAR) 62
8° – Golgari Adventures di David Murphy
<Deck>4 Edgewall Innkeeper (ELD) 151
4 Foulmire Knight (ELD) 90
4 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
4 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
2 Order of Midnight (ELD) 99
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
3 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
3 Rankle, Master of Pranks (ELD) 101
2 Garruk, Cursed Huntsman (ELD) 191
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
2 Find // Finality (GRN) 225
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
2 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
8 Forest (XLN) 276
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
5 Swamp (ELD) 260
4 Temple of Malady (M20) 254
1 Assassin's Trophy (GRN) 152
3 Duress (M20) 97
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
2 Ritual of Soot (GRN) 84
1 The Great Henge (ELD) 161
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
Top 8 – MagicFest Lyon 2019
1° – Bant Food di Antoine Lagarde
<Deck>4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
2 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
4 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
4 Temple Garden (GRN) 258
6 Forest (XLN) 276
5 Island (RNA) 261
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
3 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
3 Aether Gust (M20) 42
2 Growth Spiral (RNA) 178
3 Mass Manipulation (RNA) 42
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
1 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
2 Negate (M20) 69
3 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
3 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
2 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
4 Voracious Hydra (M20) 200
2° – Sultai Food di Francisco Jose Gonzalez Hidalgo
<Deck>4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
6 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
1 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
2 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Duress (M20) 97
2 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Negate (M20) 69
1 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
3° – Bant Food di Thierry Ramboa
<Deck>4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
2 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
4 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
6 Forest (XLN) 276
5 Island (RNA) 261
4 Temple Garden (GRN) 258
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
3 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
1 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
3 Aether Gust (M20) 42
3 Mass Manipulation (RNA) 42
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
1 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
1 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Negate (M20) 69
3 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
3 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
2 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
4 Voracious Hydra (M20) 200
4° – Rakdos Sacrifice di Andreas Ganz
<Deck>4 Blood Crypt (RNA) 245
2 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
4 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
5 Mountain (WAR) 259
10 Swamp (ELD) 260
4 Cauldron Familiar (ELD) 81
3 Cavalier of Night (M20) 94
4 Gutterbones (RNA) 76
4 Mayhem Devil (WAR) 204
4 Midnight Reaper (GRN) 77
4 Priest of Forgotten Gods (RNA) 83
4 Angrath's Rampage (WAR) 185
4 Claim the Firstborn (ELD) 118
4 Witch's Oven (ELD) 237
4 Dreadhorde Butcher (WAR) 194
4 Duress (M20) 97
2 Embereth Shieldbreaker (ELD) 122
1 Mask of Immolation (M20) 151
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
5° – Sultai Food di Hannes Mauch
<Deck>4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
6 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
1 Arboreal Grazer (WAR) 149
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
3 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Duress (M20) 97
3 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
1 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
6° – Four-Color Sacrifice di Julian Felix Flury
<Deck>3 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
3 Stomping Ground (RNA) 259
2 Temple of Malady (M20) 254
2 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
2 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
1 Mountain (WAR) 259
2 Cauldron Familiar (ELD) 81
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
2 Korvold, Fae-Cursed King (ELD) 329
4 Mayhem Devil (WAR) 204
2 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
2 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
1 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (WAR) 207
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Aether Gust (M20) 42
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
2 Trail of Crumbs (ELD) 179
3 Witch's Oven (ELD) 237
2 Aether Gust (M20) 42
3 Duress (M20) 97
2 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
3 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
1 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
7° – Azorius Control di Florian Trotte
<Deck>3 Castle Ardenvale (ELD) 238
2 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
4 Tranquil Cove (M20) 259
4 Plains (XLN) 261
7 Island (RNA) 261
1 Agent of Treachery (M20) 43
4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
1 Gadwick, the Wizened (ELD) 48
4 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
4 Absorb (RNA) 151
4 Chemister's Insight (GRN) 32
3 Dovin's Veto (WAR) 193
1 Finale of Glory (WAR) 12
1 Mass Manipulation (RNA) 42
2 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
4 Time Wipe (WAR) 223
4 Prison Realm (WAR) 26
3 Aether Gust (M20) 42
1 Angel of Grace (RNA) 1
1 Dawn of Hope (GRN) 8
2 Devout Decree (M20) 13
1 Disenchant (M20) 14
1 Dovin's Veto (WAR) 193
3 Glass Casket (ELD) 15
1 Realm-Cloaked Giant (ELD) 26
1 Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD) 233
1 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
8° – Sultai Food di Philip van Donselaar
<Deck>4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
6 Forest (XLN) 276
1 Island (RNA) 261
2 Swamp (ELD) 260
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Ugin, the Ineffable (WAR) 2
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
2 Duress (M20) 97
1 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Negate (M20) 69
1 Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD) 233
1 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
3 Thrashing Brontodon (RIX) 148
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
Top 8 – MagicFest Nagoya 2019
1° – Simic Food di Riku Kumaga
<Deck>4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
3 Aether Gust (M20) 42
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
11 Forest (ELD) 266
6 Island (ELD) 254
2 Mobilized District (WAR) 249
2 Temple of Mystery (M20) 255
1 Aether Gust (M20) 42
2 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Kraul Harpooner (GRN) 136
2 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Negate (M20) 69
1 Thrashing Brontodon (M20) 197
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
3 Voracious Hydra (M20) 200
2° – Azorius Control di Yiming Zhi
<Deck>1 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Tale's End (M20) 77
1 Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR) 61
2 Aether Gust (M20) 42
2 Mass Manipulation (RNA) 42
3 Prison Realm (WAR) 26
3 Dovin's Veto (WAR) 193
3 Absorb (RNA) 151
4 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
4 Time Wipe (WAR) 223
4 Chemister's Insight (GRN) 32
1 Gadwick, the Wizened (ELD) 48
2 Agent of Treachery (M20) 43
2 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
2 Castle Ardenvale (ELD) 238
3 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
4 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
4 Plains (ELD) 250
4 Tranquil Cove (M20) 259
6 Island (ELD) 254
2 Sorcerous Spyglass (ELD) 233
3 Glass Casket (ELD) 15
1 Finale of Glory (WAR) 12
1 Devout Decree (M20) 13
4 Deputy of Detention (RNA) 165
2 Apostle of Purifying Light (M20) 6
2 Aether Gust (M20) 42
3° – Simic Food di Toru Saito
<Deck>4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
2 Voracious Hydra (M20) 200
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Aether Gust (M20) 42
4 Growth Spiral (RNA) 178
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
1 Castle Vantress (ELD) 242
10 Forest (ELD) 266
6 Island (ELD) 254
1 Mobilized District (WAR) 249
4 Temple of Mystery (M20) 255
2 Voracious Hydra (M20) 200
4 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
4 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Negate (M20) 69
4 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
4° – Sultai Control di Makihito Mihara
<Deck>4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
3 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
1 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
6 Forest (ELD) 266
1 Island (ELD) 254
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
1 Swamp (ELD) 258
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
1 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
1 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Duress (M20) 97
1 Legion's End (M20) 106
4 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
5° – Bant Aggro di Makoto Horiuchi
<Deck>3 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
3 Aether Gust (M20) 42
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
1 Island (ELD) 254
1 Plains (ELD) 250
2 Temple of Mystery (M20) 255
3 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Temple Garden (GRN) 258
6 Forest (ELD) 266
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
1 Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves (WAR) 224
2 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales (WAR) 220
3 Glass Casket (ELD) 15
2 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
2 Deputy of Detention (RNA) 165
1 Teferi, Time Raveler (WAR) 221
1 Questing Beast (ELD) 171
6° – Sultai Control di Souta Murakami
<Deck>4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General (WAR) 97
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
7 Forest (ELD) 266
1 Island (ELD) 254
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
2 Swamp (ELD) 258
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
2 Assassin's Trophy (GRN) 152
2 Duress (M20) 97
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Negate (M20) 69
2 Thrashing Brontodon (M20) 197
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
7° – Sultai Control di Yue He
<Deck>4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
1 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
1 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (GRN) 213
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
6 Forest (ELD) 266
1 Island (ELD) 254
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
2 Swamp (ELD) 258
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
1 Aether Gust (M20) 42
1 Assassin's Trophy (GRN) 152
1 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Lovestruck Beast (ELD) 165
1 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
1 Negate (M20) 69
1 Thrashing Brontodon (M20) 197
3 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
8° – Sultai Control di Takumi Utsunomiya
<Deck>2 Casualties of War (WAR) 187
3 Once Upon a Time (ELD) 169
4 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110
4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (WAR) 169
4 Oko, Thief of Crowns (ELD) 197
2 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97
4 Paradise Druid (WAR) 171
4 Gilded Goose (ELD) 160
4 Wicked Wolf (ELD) 181
4 Hydroid Krasis (RNA) 183
1 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241
1 Temple of Malady (M20) 254
1 Island (ELD) 254
2 Swamp (ELD) 258
3 Fabled Passage (ELD) 244
4 Breeding Pool (RNA) 246
4 Overgrown Tomb (GRN) 253
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
5 Forest (ELD) 266
2 Veil of Summer (M20) 198
2 Thrashing Brontodon (M20) 197
3 Negate (M20) 69
2 Mystical Dispute (ELD) 58
2 Massacre Girl (WAR) 99
2 Legion's End (M20) 106
2 Cry of the Carnarium (RNA) 70